Temuan Botol Dari Pulau Enggano. Analisis Sejarah dan Teknologi Pembuatan

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Muhamad Alnoza
aryandini novita
Sigit Eko Prasetyo


Enggano island is one of the foremost islands of the Republic of Indonesia in the western part of Sumatera. Geologically, this island has never been integrated with the sumateran mainland, in contrast to the upper islands such as, Nias and Mentawai, thus, the only access to this island is from the sea.  From the result of study in the field, it is known that this island was once used as a coconut plantation land by the Dutch, and controlled by the Japanese since 1943. During Japanese period, the island was focused on being a naval base as evidenced by the existence of defense buildings such as pillboxes and bunkers on the Enggano coast. One of the archeological findings that is interesting and has never been studied is the bottle. From the results of the analysis, the findings of the bottle have a different form, origin, and technology. The technology of making bottles has developed from time to time. This technology is known from the traces of its manufacture, namely the vertical lines and bubbles contained in the bottle. From the results of the reading of the inscriptions and bottle comparisons, it is known that the bottles are from Europe and Asia, and contain a type of alcoholic beverage.

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How to Cite
Alnoza, M., novita, aryandini, & Prasetyo, S. E. (2020). Temuan Botol Dari Pulau Enggano. Analisis Sejarah dan Teknologi Pembuatan. PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Arkeologi, 9(1), 31–46. https://doi.org/10.24164/pw.v9i1.316


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