About the Journal
Starting from volume 11 No. 1 of 2022, the Purbawidya journal has moved to the domain
Purbawidya means “Past Knowledge”. Purbawidya is a journal published by Balai Arkeologi Jawa Barat, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan which contains the result of research, conception, and ideas on the development of archaeology. Studies in Purbawidya can be through approaches of archaeology, anthropology, sociology, philology, history, architecture, geography, geology, biology, chemistry, ecology, and other sciences that discuss humans and past cultures. Each paper was reviewed by two peer-reviewers. First published in 2012, Purbawidya issued twice in a volume in June and November.
Starting on volume 9 (1) there are changes in the appearance of text from two columns to one column, changes are also made to the style of the author guidelines and journal templates.
Purbawidya has been certificated as a Scientific Journal by The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) since 15 July 2015. Accreditation Number: 695/Akred-LIPI/P2MI/2015. Valid thru: August 2018, reacredited in Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Ristekdikti) on 3 august 2020. Acreditation Nuimber: 147/M/KPT/2020. Valid thru 2024. Purbawidya was indexed in DOAJ, Google Scholar, ISJD, Academia.edu, Indonesia One Search, and SINTA 2.
- ISSN: 2252-3758 (print)
- ISSN:2528-3618 (online)
Accreditation Number:
- LIPI : 695/Akred/P2MI/07/2015
- Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Perguruan Tinggi (Ristekdikti): 21/E/KPT/2018. Valid Thru 2020.
- Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Perguruan Tinggi (Ristekdikti): 147/M/KPT/2020. Valid Thru 2024

Current Issue
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021): Vol.10 (2) November 2021